We provide relevant awareness and training to Houses of Worship.

“I have a passion for ensuring that the house of God is safe and secure, while training members to be ready to act, in the event of any emergency.”

– Willie C. Hickman, Jr. 

Do you want more out of your security staff?

Please fill out the form and we will get back to you shortly about how we can help.

We will setup a security team at your place of worship

Our goal is to see your place of worship safe by helping you build a team from your awesome congregation.

We will train your existing security team

We will train your dedicated staff in industry standard procedures that will build confidence in your team.

We will help your place of worship setup Standard Operating Procedures

Be ready to secure your place of worship with safety procedures that work

Training, Facility, & Procedures

Don’t  be caught unprepared to handle situations that can be avoided with training and thoughtful planning. Make your worship place a haven of safety by allowing skilled experienced law enforcement officers assist you in making the right strategies that will aide in any situation.  Major Hickman will give your team the necessary training to keep your entire congregation safe and secure while in your facility. 

- certifications and training -

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